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By default, crowdsec and cscli use as the default Local API. However you might want to use a remote API and configure a different endpoint for your api client.

Register to a Remote API server

  • On the machine you want to connect to a Local API server, run the following command:
sudo cscli lapi register -u http://<remote_api>:<port>
  • On the Local API server, validate the machine by running the command:
sudo cscli machines list # to get the name of the new registered machine
sudo cscli machines validate <machineName>
  • Restart the CrowdSec service on the machine you registered once validated:
sudo systemctl restart crowdsec

Disable the registered machine Local API

On the machine you ran cscli lapi register, it optimal to disable the Local API component to save on resources since it is now forwarding all alerts/decisions to the Local API server.

Within the config.yaml file, set enable under api.server to false:

enable: false

See where the config.yaml file is located on your operating system here


Configure listen URL

If you would like your Local API to be used by a remote CrowdSec installation, you will need to modify the URL it listens on as by default it will listen on the loopback interface.

Modify the listen_uri option in the config.yaml.

Enable SSL

If your Local API is exposed to the internet, it is recommended to enable SSL or at least use a reverse proxy with SSL termination to secure the communication between the Log Processors / Remediation Components and the Local API.

If your Log Processors and Remediation Components are apart of the same LAN or VPN, then this is not necessary step.


You can configure the Local API to use SSL by setting the tls option under api.server in the config.yaml file.

cert_file: "/path/to/cert.pem"
key_file: "/path/to/key.pem"

If you are using a self signed certificate on connecting Log Processors and Remediation Components you must enable insecure_skip_verify options.

  • Log Processors (machines)
insecure_skip_verify: true
  • Remediation Components (bouncers)

This can differ based on the configuration please refer to the documentation of the component you are using.

If you would like to read the full configuration options for TLS on the Local API please see here.

You can also refer here for the documentation about TLS authentication.

Reverse Proxy

We cannot cover all the reverse proxies available, please refer to the documentation of the reverse proxy you are using. However, the reverse proxy must send the connecting IP address as the X-Forwarded-For header to the Local API.

However, when the Local API is behind a reverse proxy you will need to configure the trusted_proxies and use_forwarded_for_headers options under api.server within the config.yaml file to be able to get the correct IP address within the database.

use_forwarded_for_headers: true
- "" ## Change this to the proxy IP this is presuming the proxy is on the same machine

See where the config.yaml file is located on your operating system here

See the Local API public documentation.