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Acquisition Datasources Introduction


To be able to monitor applications, the Security Engine needs to access logs. DataSources are configured via the acquisition configuration, or specified via the command-line when performing cold logs analysis.

Appsecexpose HTTP service for the Appsec componentyesno
AWS cloudwatchsingle stream or log groupyesyes
AWS kinesisread logs from a kinesis streanyesno
AWS S3read logs from a S3 bucketyesyes
dockerread logs from docker containersyesyes
filesingle files, glob expressions and .gz filesyesyes
HTTPread logs from an HTTP endpointyesno
journaldjournald via filteryesyes
Kafkaread logs from kafka topicyesno
Kubernetes Auditexpose a webhook to receive audit logs from a Kubernetes clusteryesno
Lokiread logs from lokiyesyes
VictoriaLogsread logs from VictoriaLogsyesyes
syslog serviceread logs received via syslog protocolyesno
Windows Eventread logs from windows event logyesyes

Common configuration parameters

Those parameters are available in all datasources.


Log level to use in the datasource. Defaults to info.


Which type of datasource to use. It is mandatory except for file acquisition.


An expression that will run after the acquisition has read one line, and before the line is sent to the parsers.

It allows to modify an event (or generate multiple events from one line) before parsing.

For example, if you acquire logs from a file containing a JSON object on each line, and each object has a Records array with multiple events, you can use the following to generate one event per entry in the array:

map(JsonExtractSlice(evt.Line.Raw, "Records"), ToJsonString(#))

The expression must return:

  • A string: it will replace evt.Line.Raw in the event
  • A list of strings: One new event will be generated based on the source event per element in the list. Each element will replace the evt.Line.Raw from the source event.

If the expression returns an error or an invalid type, the event will not be modified before sending it to the parsers.


A map of labels to add to the event. The type label is mandatory, and used by the Security Engine to choose which parser to use.

Acquisition configuration example

- /var/log/nginx/*.log
type: nginx
- /var/log/auth.log
- /var/log/syslog
type: syslog
source: docker
- .*caddy*
type: caddy

The labels and type fields are necessary to dispatch the log lines to the right parser.

Also note between each datasource is --- this is needed to separate multiple YAML documents (each datasource) in a single file.