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Splunk Plugin

The splunk plugin is by default shipped with your CrowdSec installation. The following guide shows how to enable it.

Enabling the plugin:

In your profile file (by default /etc/crowdsec/profiles.yaml) , uncomment the section

# - splunk_default

Configuring the plugin:

Adding the plugin configuration

By default there would be a splunk config at /etc/crowdsec/notifications/splunk.yaml. Specify your url, token and format .

Example configuration which posts creates splunk event containing alerts serialized to JSON:

# Don't change this
type: splunk

name: splunk_default # this must match with the registered plugin in the profile
log_level: info # Options include: trace, debug, info, warn, error, off

format: | # This template receives list of models.Alert objects. Splunk event will be created with its contents.

token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# group_wait: # duration to wait collecting alerts before sending to this plugin, eg "30s"

# group_threshold: # if alerts exceed this, then the plugin will be sent the message. eg "10"

# max_retry: # number of tries to attempt to send message to plugins in case of error.

# timeout: # duration to wait for response from plugin before considering this attempt a failure. eg "10s"

See splunk guide for instructions to obtain the token and url.

Note that the format is a go template, which is fed a list of Alert objects.

Final Steps:

Let's restart crowdsec

sudo systemctl restart crowdsec

You can verify whether the plugin is properly working by triggering scenarios using tools like wapiti, nikto etc.