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The 1.5 preview of crowdsec offers quite a few new features, and you will need to configure them to get the most out of it.


First of all, if you want to use the collections that relies on new crowdsec features (such as the kubernetes collection, AWS cloudtrail collection or audit collection), you will need to switch crowdsec to a specific branch on the hub.

Edit /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml and add the following to the cscli section of the file:

hub_branch: 1.5_beta
Next, you will need to update the hub, and then restart crowdsec:

sudo cscli hub update
sudo systemctl restart crowdsec

While not mandatory, this step ensure you will be able to use the new collections available.

Feature Flags

Crowdsec 1.5 introduces the concept of feature flags, which allows us to release new features without breaking existing installations.

With 1.5, we have 6 differents flags, all disabled by default:

  • chunked_decisions_stream: Stream the decisions to the bouncers, instead of loading them all at once in memory. This can help reduce memory usage when having a lot of bouncers.
  • cscli_setup: New service auto-detection mechanism for cscli. It can be configured more easily than the previous one and works on all operating systems.
  • disable_http_retry_backoff: Disable the exponential backoff when retrying HTTP requests to LAPI.
  • papi_client: Enable the new polling API client, allowing to manage certain parts of crowdsec.
  • re2_grok_support: Switch the regexp engine used to parse logs with GROK patterns to RE2, offering much better performance at the cost of a slightly longer startup time.
  • re2_regexp_in_file_support: Switch the regexp engine used by the RegexpInFile helper to RE2. This can occasionnally improves performance of some scenarios.

You can list all feature flags and see their status with cscli config feature-flags.

To enable a feature flag, you have 2 options:

  • Start crowdsec (or cscli if applicable) with an environment variable called CROWDSEC_FEATURE_<uppercase_feature_name> set to true.
  • Edit the feature.yaml file (in /etc/crowdsec/ by default on linux, %PROGRAMDATA%\CrowdSec\config\ on windows) and add a line with - <feature_name>.

For example, to enable the re2_grok_support feature flag with the env, you would start crowdsec with CROWDSEC_FEATURE_RE2_GROK_SUPPORT=true.

To enable it with the config file, you would add the following line to the feature.yaml file: - re2_grok_support.

The config file method is recommended, as it will used for both crowdsec and cscli automatically.

Enabling the Polling API

The polling API allows you to control your crowdsec instance from, and is disabled by default.

You can manage the decisions (add or remove) or force a refresh from CAPI when subscribing to a new blocklist.

Enabling the feature flag


feature.yaml does not exist by default please create it manually.

First, you'll need to enable the feature flag to enable support for the polling API:

Edit /etc/crowdsec/feature.yaml and add the following line:

- papi_client

Enrolling the instance

Next, you'll need to enroll your instance in the console. You can skip to the next section if the instance is already enrolled.

Go to, go to the Instances tab, and click on Add Instance.

Run cscli console enroll <ENROLL_KEY> to enroll the instance. Accept the enrollment in the console.

Enabling the polling API

Once your instance is enrolled, you can enable the polling API by running cscli console enable --all.

This will enable the polling API, and automatically update the online_api_credentials.yaml file with the proper configuration.

Next, you'll need to restart crowdsec to apply the changes.

sudo cscli hub update

Try it !

You can now try the polling API by going to the Decisions tab in the console, and adding or removing decisions.

To add a decision, click on the Add decision button, fill out the form, and you should see a new decision appear in the next few seconds when running cscli decisions list.