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OPNsense plugin

The CrowdSec plugin for OPNsense is installed from the official repositories. It includes a Log Processor, LAPI service, and Remediation Component. This allows you to:

  • block attacking traffic from entering the network (protect machines that don't have CrowdSec)
  • deploy a log processor on OPNsense and scan its logs for attacks
  • use the OPNsense server as LAPI for other log processors and remediation components
  • list the hub plugins (parsers, scenarios..) and decisions on the OPNsense admin interface

Plugin installation

Click System > Firmware > Plugins menu. Select os-crowdsec. It will deploy three packages:

  • os-crowdsec, the plugin itself
  • crowdsec
  • crowdsec-firewall-bouncer

Do not enable/start the services from the terminal like you would on a standard freebsd system, because the plugin takes care of that.

Refresh the page and go to Services > CrowdSec > Overview to verify the running services and installed configurations.

Next Steps?

Great, you now have CrowdSec installed on your system. Have a look at the post installation steps to see how to to configure and optimize it, or keep reading the rest of the plugin documentation